keep the crows away with a crow proof bird table

Crow Proof Bird Tables

Spring Garden and Home's crow proof bird tables are perfect for stopping crows from taking all the limelight from other bird species. The way that these products have been designed stops larger birds, like crows from taking food from the little birds. You will find that the products below are made from durable materials, which are resistant to bad weather (as long as they're treated once a year). So, if you’re looking for a good quality product, consider our crow proof bird tables today. Take the opportunity to enjoy watching lots of different beautiful birds come into your garden with this product.

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avoid crows with a crow proof bird table

An introduction to crow proof bird tables

Bird watching enthusiasts can attract a variety of species to their home gardens by providing the right habitat. A good bird table should be designed to fit the needs of specific species. And this page offers a variety of products that are likely to attract smaller birds like goldcrests, dunnocks, goldfinches, etc. See below for information about how each crow proof bird table might change the traffic of birds in your garden.

Quality crow proof bird tables

Pick a quality and well-designed crow proof bird table

Many other products on our site are designed for larger species like crows. However, to encourage other birds that might be smaller to visit - provide the right conditions and necessary resources. Once you start looking around, you may have noticed that there are different bird station designs depending on where you look. Some people like to own a very simple wooden box that might have perches. Other people may choose to go all out and make their own complex metal structures with feeding trays and unique roof designs.

information about our crow proof bird tables

About our crow proof bird tables

We like to think of our designs as being slightly better than a basic box or feeder! And far less hassle than building a place from scratch - where you need new tools and may have to take frequent trips to your DIY store to build the table/feeder a certain way. Below we describe three great crow proof bird tables. Two of these will be suitable for all birds but have a select entrance for small ones and the third is purely dedicated to birds like goldcrests and goldfinches.

Crow proof bird table with a dedicated entrance

The Premier Plus Deluxe, with its two side tables for larger birds and its focus on attracting smaller birds as well, will help you attract a wider variety of birds to your yard. This product also prevents squirrels and cats from taking the smaller bird's food which is also important. So, as you can see this product caters to all birds but especially the smaller ones. Click on this link to view and read more about the Premier Plus Deluxe designThe Premier Plus Deluxe, with its two side tables for larger birds and its focus on attracting smaller birds as well, will help you attract a wider variety of birds to your yard. This product also prevents squirrels and cats from taking the smaller bird's food which is also important. So, as you can see this product caters to all birds but especially the smaller ones. Click on this link to view and read more about the Premier Plus Deluxe design.

Another crow proof bird table with a dedicated entrance

Another great crow proof bird table with a dedicated entrance for tiny birds is the Premier Plus Cage Top model. Like the design above this item also has an additional feeding level, allowing only goldcrests, goldfinches, etc, to eat there. However, you will notice that larger birds can still feed on the bottom level, which means that all different size birds will have enough food. As you will notice also notice, this crow proof bird table has a cage which will not only stop crows from entering but also prevent cats and other larger predators from getting too close during feed time.

Crow proof bird table just for tiny birds!

If you’re looking for a crow proof bird table only dedicated to tiny birds, we have this option too. Check out the Safe Haven design which does what it says on the tin - it provides a safe haven for the little ones! If you decide this item is for you, before you add to basket select which mesh option you would like (38mm or 50mm). This gives you even more options to pick the birds you want to attract!

crow proof bird table to nurture other birds

So how about a crow proof bird table then?

Any of these designs will help you to provide the right conditions to attract birds into your garden. It’s all about finding the right design for your needs. If you’re looking to feed all birds but don’t want the little ones to miss out then either the Premier Plus Deluxe or Premier Plus Cage Top will do fine. Should you be looking for a dedicated product for smaller species only, then we would suggest the Safe Haven option! Whichever design you choose to go with though, providing you treat the wood once a year – you will find these products well-built to last for years to come.

garden without a box for smaller birds

Wondering what else we might have for your garden?

If you are wondering what else we might have for your garden, you will be pleased to know there’s much, much more! From bird baths and drinks over to bird food and nest boxes! We have some amazing products here at Spring Garden and Home. And if you’re wondering why you should buy from us, let us explain. We are a garden and home specialist who has spent time looking at what products are out there and which ones make the best impact. This means that you don’t have to look around yourself searching for product reviews, etc. You can feel rest assured that we are supplying you with quality products, which will hopefully encourage you to come back to us in the near future.